Why Doctors Study Physics in Medical Entrance Exams? Why Physics in NEET? What is the use of physics for Doctors?

Why Doctors Study Physics in Medical Entrance Exams? Why Physics in NEET? What is the use of physics for Doctors?

29 Oct, 2023 161 3198

Physics holds significance in the medical field playing a vital role, in the education and training of future doctors. Aspiring medical students often wonder why they are required to demonstrate proficiency in physics during their entrance exams. The reason lies in the connection between physics and medicine.


Physics encompasses the study of principles that govern the world encompassing the behaviour of matter and energy. In the realm a strong understanding of these principles is imperative for reasons.


1. Diagnostic Imaging; Medical imaging technologies, such as X rays MRI scans and CT scans heavily rely on physics principles. Doctors need to comprehend how radiation interacts with the body to accurately interpret these images. This understanding aids in diagnosing and treating conditions effectively.


2. Radiation Therapy; Physics plays a role in radiation therapy by facilitating targeting and destruction of cancer cells. Accurate calculations regarding radiation doses and an understanding of how radiation interacts with tissue are crucial for ensuring treatment while minimizing harm to healthy cells.

3. Biomechanics; Physics provides insights into understanding the mechanics of the body. This knowledge proves essential in fields like orthopaedics and rehabilitation as it allows physicians to diagnose disorders accurately. Additionally it helps design treatments and physical therapies, for patients suffering from conditions.


4. Cardiovascular Medicine; This field of medicine heavily relies on the principles of physics to comprehend how blood flows within the heart and blood vessels. Medical professionals utilize this understanding to diagnose and provide treatment, for heart related ailments.


5. Pharmacology; To effectively prescribe medications and determine correct dosages, one must have a comprehensive understanding of drug pharmacokinetics - how they are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted within the body. This requires a firm grasp of physical principles.

Medical entrance exams include physics to ensure that future doctors are well-versed in this subject. Through studying physics, they gain the essential knowledge and skills to apply its principles to real-life medical situations, thus enhancing their capabilities as physicians.


In short, physics holds a vital role in the medical field beyond theory; it is a practical necessity. From diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy to biomechanics, cardiovascular medicine, and pharmacology, its contributions are irreplaceable. Aspiring doctors must have a strong foundation in physics to excel in their medical careers.



Author Description:

Dr Geetendra Singh (MBBS M.Med. MD) is an experienced doctor & educator (CEO of Biomentors.online) who thrives on exploring a wide range of topics and sharing valuable insights with readers. With a background in medical fields & as an educator with 25 years. experience, he brings a unique perspective to the blog.

Dr Geetendra Singh is a firm believer in the power of words to inspire, educate, and connect people from all walks of life. He is committed to fostering a sense of community and facilitating discussions through his work. The aim is to not only inform but also to spark curiosity, stimulate critical thinking, and encourage readers to explore new horizons.


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